Warts and Skin Tags Removal

Warts and skin tags are skin growths that grow to the size of a few millimeters. Warts grow quickly, are bumpy, and are caused by the human papilloma virus. Skin tags, on the other hand, are simple overgrowths of flesh often found on neck, back, and in the armpits. Both warts and skin tags can be a cosmetic problem and may also become irritated as they rub up against clothing. Though some warts and skin tags go away or fall off on their own, it can take many months or years. Instead, many people choose to remove warts and skin tags during in a quick visit to a nearby urgent care center.
Did you know…
that between 7 and 10 percent of all people have at least one wart? Skin tags are even more prevalent, affecting 50 percent of all people at some point in their lives (usually during middle-age or later). Both warts and skin tags are considered harmless; though they may be an annoyance or a source of embarrassment for some people.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I have my wart or skin tag removed?
The choice to have your wart or skin tag removed is yours. However, doing so could boost your self-confidence and improve your overall quality of life – especially if your skin growth is located in a highly visible area or frequently becomes irritated by clothing, jewelry, or basic activities like walking. It is recommended that you see a doctor about any rapidly growing or changing skin blemish to rule out potentially serious health problems, such as skin cancer. Never attempt to cut off a skin tag or wart on your own, as doing so could lead to excessive bleeding and infection.
How will the doctor remove my wart or skin tag?
Depending on its size and the method of treatment, your doctor may first numb the wart or skin tag to prevent discomfort. Warts can be removed using a number of in-office techniques, including cryotherapy and laser surgery. Cryotherapy freezes the wart, causing it to scab over and eventually fall off. Laser therapy does the opposite – heating the wart with an intense beam of light until it burns off. Skin tags may also be removed by freezing or burning them, or your doctor may remove them using sterile surgical scissors.
How long will it take to recover from the wart or skin tag removal?
You can return home immediately after having a wart or skin tag removed. However, it may take several days for the excision site to heal. Your doctor will provide instructions for post-treatment care and follow-up.